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Sand Coin Best Metaverse Projects – A new investment of 400 million dollars is coming to Sandbox – Review and Chart 2022

You can find everything about Sand Coin here. Sand Coin comments and analytics are very important to all of us. You want to reach the right analysis and comments. We offer you understandable analysis away from the complexity of Sand Coin forum sites. Our Sand Coin chart work and comments will be located here. Regardless of the Sand Coin price , what matters is where you buy and where you sell.

Sand Coin Price Prediction 2024

Sand Coin It is among the crypto coins traded on stock exchanges. Sand Coin comments and analysis, which are carefully followed by stock market investors, attract great attention. You can follow us and benefit from the information here.

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Best Metaverse Projects

A new investment of 400 million dollars is coming to Sandbox, where many companies and celebrities, from HSBC to Guci, from Warner Music to musicians and artists, have opened headquarters and bought land on its platform.

No details were given about the investment that Sandbox will receive, in which Softbank, a multinational technology company known for its crypto money investments, also invested $93 million in November. However, if the investment is realized, the market value of Sandbox will reach the level of 4 billion dollars.

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New investors are also coming

Among the companies providing funds, among the limited information received, those who have previously invested in Sandbox It is stated that there are those who will make their first investment, just like the companies.

Sandbox, which is majority-owned by the game developer company Animoca Brands

, is also in talks about the investment…

With the news revealed SAND, the token of Sandbox, also recorded a significant rise and reached $ 2.85.

SAND, which was $ 0.0289 in November of 2020, has increased by about 9% since then.

Sand Coin Analysis

Using charts to analyze Sand Coin Value is among the most common methods. You can have an idea about Sand Coin by following the graphs. Our Sand Coin Price Chart work has been prepared to answer the most frequently asked crypto questions.

Sand Coin Value

Sand Coin news and analysis does not contain investment advice. The drawings on the Sand Coin chart are taken from the best known techniques. Making Sand Coin value is partly related to where you buy and sell.

Sand Coin Price Analysis

Write your Sand Coin analysis request below with your e-mail address. Let our experts respond with cost-oriented technical analysis.

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